Monday 18 November 2013

and it was the sixth day....

Morning has broken like the first morning;
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing!
Praise for the morning!
Praise for them springing fresh from the Word....

And God said,"Let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness, and He called it Day. And the darkness He called Night.
Paul says (in Thess. 5: v5 ) that we are all children of the light, children of the day. Sometimes this is hard to remember when the world, with all of it's troubles, closes in and we are left alone and in darkness. But this need not be the case, for we have the promise that He(Jesus) will be with us always.

In the Qu'an there is a lovely sura (entitled "the Niche") which advises us to place our light in a niche where it can reflect and lighten the whole room.
In Luke ( 8: v16 to 18 ) Jesus says that no one, after lighting a
light, places it under a bed. He then goes on to expand the idea,
referring to our gift of talents and the perils of not using them.

Light can affect us in many ways, stay out in the sun too long and we get sun
burn. Moses, after his face to face discussions with God in the the tent of meeting, had to wear a veil to hide the Glory of God shining forth from his
face. Jesus was the Light of the world. In john 12: v35. Jesus tells his disciples
"to walk in the light while you still have it". and later "while you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become sons of light".

Without light in this world of ours we can do nothing. If the sun, for some strange reason, was suddenly switched off, our world, as we know it, would
cease to exist. We would all be dead within approximately eight minutes (the time it takes for the sun's light to reach us ).

Photography's very existence relies on light, and in the studio students are
 always trying to add more light thinking that that is the answer to a successful
shoot. In reality it is how you control and handle the shadows. shadows are a vital element in any image as our clues to depth and time of day are all given
us by the shadows within our image.

Our camera lightmeters all default to a mid grey (a tone halfway between black
 and white), while the software has improved immensely our expensive
cameras can still be fooled. Ansel Adams Zone System goes a long way to 
remove some of that guess work.

I have always  believed that there are two kinds of photographer: those that point
their cameras at things/objects that catch their attention, and those who attempt to
capture the light that envelopes that object. Being sensitive to light in 
all of it's forms is the key to a successful emotion charged image.

O house of Jacob, come let us walk in the light of the Lord.

I see Your face in every sunrise
The colours of the morning are inside Your eyes.
The world awakens in the light of the day
I look up to the sky and say:
"You are beautiful".

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