Thursday 7 November 2013

the second day....

I come, refreshed, from having watched my goldfish drift serenely around their pond trying to determine if there was any order or predestination in their movement. Is their movement only restricted and determined by the shape and water depth of their environment, or does some thought appear, in their fishy brain, as to what lies "over there". Is there any pattern.
Then i got to thinking about driving habits and how the jostling and ducking and diving of some cars was just a reaction to their environment. Again, is there any pattern.
We are all an integral part of life's web, we are the very strands and thread that make up this life that we lead. Yet we are all fiercely individual and would never admit to group thinking or a group mentality. We have free will. We also have a democracy, which is freedom of choice within a pre assigned system. We are not free to do exactly as we will, we are restricted by law, culture and peer group pressures. The only truly free will that we have is whether to follow God's Path, or not. Here there is no "fence sitting", you are either for Him or against Him.

It is written: "That I knew you while you were still in the womb. I knew your name...."
and again:"Not a hair on your head shall fall without Me noticing it".

Belief in Jesus guarantees us protection. Only two arch angels are named in the bible. Gabrielle ( the bringer of good news to Mary) and Michael, the protector of Israel. God said to the Israelites that He would send someone who contains His name, that His name would be within him. Michael, means to be like God, or Godlike, and it was he who was the column of smoke and pillar of fire that led the Israelites during their desert journey. Having that belief and having accepted Jesus in our lives gives us an even better and stronger protector than that of Israel. We are gifted the Holy Spirit, that same Spirit that God used to raise His Son from the grave.
I ask again, is there a pattern here. The answer has to be a resounding yes! We are all, whether we realise it or not, are subservient to His will and pattern. He is the ultimate pattern maker. This, the world /cosmos we live in is all His creation.

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