Thursday 7 November 2013

Jonah spent three days in the darkness of some aquatic beast because he refused a job offer from God himself. To Jonah's mind, being sent to the heathen city of Nineveh to preach repentance was wrong, because the Jews were God's chosen. After he was spat out, he went off to His will.
In a similar vein, last week, i spent three days in the metaphorical hell of an Addington Hospital queue, also to be finally spat out ready to do His will. Exactly what that is, i am still not sure, but i have an open mind on that subject.
Two things that Jesus was always "on about" to his disciples, was prayer and obedience to His words.
Further, i was reminded of Job's ordeal, when having lost everything, he still praised God's name. My three hospital days resulted in receiving word that my cancer was having a rematch and that my eyesight problem wasn't going to go away anytime soon. Also my car was taken in for a service, only to find that the whole clutch assembly and possibly all of the shock absorbers needed replacement. Now, i am beginning to sound like Job, yet i will continue to praise God.
I always disagree with those who fight cancer, as i believe that fighting produces stress and harmful chemicals which could cause more harm that the cancer itself. By being calm and "chilled out" you remain in harmony allowing your body to heal naturally. Afterall cancer is merely one (or more) of your own cells that have lost the plot and gone rogue. Can you really fight yourself and win?


  1. Chin up Mike! Thanks for the lesson and for showing us what it is to be an optimist. Brett

  2. i can only try, i am the sum total of all of my past experiences both good and bad.
    now, i think, is the/that time in my life where i can put back and share that knowledge with those who still have that road to travel.
