Monday 18 November 2013

the seventh day....

Genesis 2 : v 2 on the seventh day He rested from all His work. And God made that day Holy, because on it He rested.

God took six days to create all that we see, then He rested.
It took me considerably longer to write the preceding six pages of this blog.
While i pause, for reflection on all my "good work", it doesn't really come close. By the way, all of the imagery is my own work, although i can't call it work because it was a great pleasure to go out and capture some of God's magnificence.

Sunday, the seventh day, is my favourite day because i get to play my bass for Him. I am always reminded of my arrogance in informing Him that if He got me a decent bass i would play for Him. Little did i realise what that would mean, that i would surrender myself completely to Him, and not count the cost.

Jesus came into this world to set us back onto the right path. In a way we are all prodigal sons having wandered afar and only now are returning, heeding that call of the Shepherd who has and will give His life for us. If you have seen Me, then you have seen the Father. I and the Father are one, and again, I am in the Father as He is in Me.

John 12 v 24. "Truly, truly i say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." Jesus' death on the cross was not the end, it was the beginning of a new life which has and will bear much fruit. That traumatic time on the cross when He gave His life for us and took all of our sins, was the only time when He was separated from God His Father. Matthew 27 v 46 ......"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" was a cry of heartfelt anguish, of being separated, for the first time in His life, from His beloved Father. Having taken on that tremendous load of our sin, He was not able to approach God.
His last words were "it is finished"

But that was not the end, Jesus had done all that His Father had asked Him to do. He had died for our sins. That terrible task was now finished.

In the days that followed He set in motion God's master plan, we were gifted the Holy Spirit. That same Spirit that God used to raise Jesus from the grave, now lives in each of us who truly believes that "rock"( Mt 16; v 18 ), that He is the Son of God. He lives!

It is interesting to note that the bible commences with a garden (paradise, aka "garden of eden") a place where God would spend time, in the cool of the evening, walking and talking to adam and eve.

Then because of a single sinful act we (adam and eve's progeny) lost that relationship with our creator.

The bible ends ( in revelation ) with a new earth and a new heaven, literally we get what we have prayed for: "Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven....." Once more we have a face to face relationship with God.  

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